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On Resilience......

Updated: Mar 29, 2021

One of the most important qualities you can have in life is RESILIENCE - the ability to get back up when you've been knocked down. It might be the MOST important quality you can have in life. In fact, you may find that you're even stronger and more fruitful after a traumatic event than BEFORE. That trauma isn't necessarily violent; it can be anything unexpected that impacts your life in such a way that major changes to your routine, psyche, or mode of living occur as a result. Divorces, job losses, deaths, births, relocations, and definitely pandemics can qualify as traumatic.

The best object lesson on resilience came through a tomato plant I planted this year. I had a goal of planting a garden this year, so the quarantine of 2020 gave me ample time to do so. I haven't had a garden since 2014 - at one point, I had over 20 tomato plants. That hobby started during the recession of 2008 and continued through 2015. So this is the 1st garden in 5 years. In the meantime between the gardens, I let weeds, my dog's poop, and junk populate the former garden. But by-God, THIS YEAR there would be tomatoes again! In some ways, it was an internal declaration that I would live, thrive, and enjoy life again.

All my tomato plants begin as seeds. I buy seeds from anywhere as well as save them from heirloom tomatoes I purchase at Sprouts Grocery Store. I started them this year pretty late - about the end of March or the beginning of April. I'm always overjoyed at the 1st sight of the seedlings, and I'm diligent to ensure they have enough of everything they need to thrive. I move them several times and thin them to get the best of the batch. About a week before I transplant them outside, I start the process of 'hardening' (placing seedlings outside for a few hours to acclimate to a new environment.) Wisdom says that you don't put anything outside in Colorado until May 15th or Mother's Day - whichever comes 1st.

Shortly after placing one of the seedlings in a larger pot (I do all container gardening because of my small living space), I fed it with a natural fertilizer that my dog was VERY fond of. As a matter of fact, I found him secretly licking the soil and base of the plants and as a result, broke one of the stronger seedlings. Sigh. The stem was bruised badly and the only choice was to break off the stem. I was pretty discouraged to lose one, but the base of the broken stem was firmly rooted. I decided not to pull it up, and to keep watering and fertilizing it.

After about a week or so, a small leaf appeared....and then more and more....and now it has developed several stems 2 - 3 times thicker than the original AND it is blooming. It is now a large and beautiful plant again! It should produce fruit within the next few weeks! Looking at this plant you would have never known that it went through the trauma of breakage. The broken stem is still visible, however, it is overshadowed by the strong and leafy stems with tomato buds. Actually, I've been through similar experiences with tomatoes before - however, the perpetrator was a hailstorm and not a nosy dog (I watch him closely now around my plants! LOL!)

So what is the point of all of this? The Lord nudged me one day while I was working my garden (didn't he walk with Adam in the Garden in Genesis? It must be prime time and location to get your undistracted attention :-)) that I was that plant. I'd had many events to break my stems - or that could have broken me. But I'm still standing - I see fruit in my life. The plant of my life is firmly rooted in Him, and that if I did my part - not give up, not despair, keep up the good habits I developed that water and feed the plants, then you will bear fruit again. If the stem is firmly rooted, and you are feeding and nurturing it with good things, then you WILL bear fruit again.

To all who are being challenged now, remember this tomato plant. Firmly root yourself - God is able and willing to provide you the soil, the sunshine (Son Shine :-), watering of His Spirit, and food (Wisdom) to bear fruit.

God Bless You,


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